"Pretension: The downside of being better than everyone else is that people tend to assume you're pretentious."
I ask you, what if incompetence was a fatal disease? Or a punishable offense?
Yes, I know... blah blah brave new world... blah blah.
But what if by age 21 all adults had to demonstrate basic competence in one skillset of their choosing? This could be a profession, vocation or hobby, but it must have been studied to an adequate depth to produce consistent and complete results. How would society differ if this were the case? And if incompetence were found at the time of examination, what consequence would be appropriate?
I suggest this:
- Examiner determines an inadequate competency. Examiner orders 12 months of further study in the chosen area, re-examination to commence at the conclusion of the 12 month study period.
- At the 12 month re-exam, incompetence is demonstrated again. What now? I think exile sounds like a fun choice. Perhaps a large, uninhabited but fully habitable island? Air drops of food and supplies, monthly visits for health. Emergency communication with the outside world only? Re-examination (parole??) every 3 years.
It seems to me that entitlement and a lack of emphasis on personal responsibility deeply afflict young people in our world. I deal with these people as potential employees, students, pet owners, individuals needing help through ARPH, etc. I wonder if something as simple as seeing even one task through to completion with a dire consequence would make a difference in our world?
Comments welcome as always.
>>>It seems to me that entitlement and a lack of emphasis on personal responsibility deeply afflict young people in our world<<<
Now why is that? It seems like when we were children, we had to earn everything. What/when was the major culture shift and how/why did we let it happen.
i would suggest that this entitlement and lack of emphasis on personal responsibility seems to plague our entire culture, age notwithstanding.
and yes, i think that an imposed isolation is the perfect solution. pretentious? nah. i think it's just pragmatic.
don't you just love the despair inc. site? it always makes me smile.
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