Rob play-bowing to me.

Rob doing his "innocent" act.
In other news:
Another week has passed, and the pups continue to grow. Each pup is 6 lbs or so by my estimate. They are 6 and 1/2 weeks old now. They play vigorously and are now awake for hours at a time. They are running, climbing and generally chaotic in their joy for life.
I introduced the clicker as a marker for behavior this week, rather than just charging it. Pups are learning to sit automatically for a treat (dog kibble) and to do nose touches.

Rob imitating the puppy to my left (the one I was actually working with)
wondering just how this whole sit = treat thing works.
wondering just how this whole sit = treat thing works.
They figured out how to do stairs this week and love running around in the yard. On Tuesday, I will separate them for sleeping so they have a week of sleeping individually before they go to new homes. Rye will move into our bedroom for sleep and everyone else will sleep in side-by-side crates. Yes, I have earplugs.
Also, Rye has started doing Lucy's happy grin!! I have not captured it on film yet. All 5 of her previous pups do it, so I imagine these pups are likely to as well.

Rave and Rob tugging.

Rob narrowly avoiding the slashing jaws of Magick ;)

Magick and Rob playing.

Rye and Rob making faces during play.

Good thing puppies are cute.... Sheesh, Reba!

Magick continues to be the best nanny dog ever.
I decided to try and get some basic headshots of the pups as well. Here is the result. I am satisfied with 2 and not with the other 2. Will get some better ones when the weather is nicer and we can get good lighting outdoors I hope.




And what happens after a puppy potluck: zzzzzzzzzz. even our toes are sleepy!

Puppy toes are the best!
Boy, I wish I could take him but my husband would divorce me! Hummmm...
no , never mind.
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